lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019


1. On what date and at what time did Salim board The London Eye? 
2. What two London landmarks does Ted mention?
3. Do you believe that Salim ran away and was kidnapped or was he just lost? What in the text makes you think this?
1. This chapter starts with a flashback (going back in time). Explain it 
 2. What does A.W.O.L. stand for? What does it refer to? 
 3. What is “Barrington Heights”? Remember this name because it is going very important for the denouement of the story 
4. Can you find any paragraph in this chapter in which Ted literally understands things said by other members of his family?


The path of Hurricane Katrina
  • Katrina was a category 4 storm.
  • Storm surges reached over 6 metres in height.
  • New Orleans was one of the worst affected areas because it lies below sea level and is protected by levees. These protect it from the Mississippi River and Lake Ponchartrain. The levee defences were unable to cope with the strength of Katrina, and water flooded into the city.
  • Despite an evacuation order, many of the poorest people remained in the city.
  • People sought refuge in the Superdome stadium. Conditions were unhygienic, and there was a shortage of food and water. Looting was commonplace throughout the city. Tension was high and many felt vulnerable and unsafe.
  • 1 million people were made homeless and about 1,200 people drowned in the floods.
  • Oil facilities were damaged and as a result petrol prices rose in the UK and USA.


Flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005
Flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005
There was much criticism of the authorities for their handling of the disaster. Although many people were evacuated, it was a slow process and the poorest and most vulnerable were left behind.
$50 billion in aid was given by the government.
The UK government sent food aid during the early stages of the recovery process.
The National Guard was mobilised to restore and maintain law and order in what became a hostile and unsafe living environment.